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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2013)

Effect of managing curtains on days to harvest and export quality rose (Rosa sp. var. Freedom) grown in greenhouses

September 29, 2015


Roses are the most cultivated ornamental flower in Ecuador. In this experiment, we measured the quality and evaluated the total days to harvest Rosa sp variety Freedom grown under a greenhouse with two different climate settings, which were regulated by the control of drapes, in the zones of Machachi and La Leticia, Pichincha province, Republic of Ecuador. The two treatments were a differentiation in the opening of the drape management systems. The first treatment referred to as closed, had completely shut drapes, while the second, called combined, had the drapes open from 11 am to 3pm, the remainder of the day the drapes were shut as well. The first evaluation process were the days taken to harvest after the pinch, and the review and record of the accumulated temperature (TEMPSUM) required by the plant until the time of harvest. Quality was also evaluated and we measured length of stem, length of bud, thickness of bud, and number of petals per bud. The end results portrayed favorable tendencies to the close drape treatment, observing a reduction in the days needed to harvest, and an increment in the length of stem. After statistic analysis using the ANOVA test, the Significance Tukey test, and the "Student"™s t" test, it was clear that the data presented had no statistical differences.

viewed = 2776 times


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