USFQ Law Review is an academic, arbitrated and indexed journal, with authorial opening and a biannual publication since 2021. It is entirely administrated by undergraduate students from the Faculty of Jurisprudence of Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ. The journal is published thanks to: Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, USFQ Press,  USFQ Faculty of Jurisprudence, Lexis, Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones, vLex, Andrade Veloz, Carmigniani Pérez, Consulegis, Corral Rosales, Ferrere, LexValor, Meythaler y Zambrano, Paz Horowitz, Pérez Bustamante Ponce, and Vivanco y Vivanco

Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024)
					View Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024)

Publication date: May, 2024
Articles: 8
Pages: 208

Published: 2024-05-15


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USFQ Law Review
 | Ecuador Law Journal

USFQ Law Review is a legal, academic and indexed journal, with a double-blind peer review proccess, authorial opening and biannual publication since 2021 with the first number of this volume published in May, and the second in October 2021.

The Journal was born in 2012 as a student initiative. Since then, it is the first legal periodical publication in Ecuador  that is fully developed, managed and edited by students of the Law Faculty of Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador.

Its objective is to provide a space for national and international experts in various areas of Law, such as students, professionals and academics, to publish legal research papers in which different perspectives and critical opinions on legal issues of current relevance. In addition, it seeks to be a source of research for its content of high academic level and to raise the quality of legal discussion in Ecuador and throughout the region, responding to the needs of the legal community, both nationally and internationally. 

Abbreviation: USFQ L. Rev.
1390-8014  |  ISSN: 2631-2573
Keywords: Jurisprudence; law; rights; legal theory
Indexed in: Latindex (Catalogue 2.0); Latindex (Directory); ISSN Portal; Crossref; ROAD; DOAJ; MIAR; REBID; Sherpa Romeo; Aura-AmeliCA; CORE; Internet Archive; I2OR; SIS; Google Scholar;
Associated to: Latinoamericana; RELAREDI; LatinREV; Declaration of Mexico (Open Access); DORA;
Content Access: OJS Repository; USFQ Library; LEXIS;; SSRN; Mendeley;
DOI: 10.18272/lr.v6i1