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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012)

Ultra-Thin Depleted Silicon On Insulator MOSFET: a simulation based on COMSOL Multiphysics

August 12, 2015


We use the MOS transistor model from COMSOL [1] as a template to develop our own UT-FD-SOI-MOSFET with an ultra-thin geometry (Channel thickness = 10nm). SOI-MOSFETs are used to reduce short channel effect problems in actual MOSFET structures and to enable further miniaturization. Our model shows a linear dependence of the front Threshold Voltage with the Back Gate Voltage, which has been reported experimentally by [2] and theoretically by [3].

viewed = 639 times


  1. Multiphysics 2006. "COMSOL Multiphysics Model Library". TM COMSOL.
  2. Ohata, A., Cass, M., and Cristoloveanu, S. 2007. "Front -and back- channel mobility in ultrathin SOI-MOSFETs by front-gate split cv method". Solid State Electronics. 5484-5492
  3. Hyung-Kyu, L. and Fossum, J. 1983. "Threshold voltage of thin-film silicon-on-insulator (sol) MOSFETs". IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 30. 1244-1251
  4. Moore, G. 1965. "Cramming more components onto integrated circuits". Electronics. 38. 82-85.
  5. Trojman, L. "Charge Carrier Mobility for Advanced High-metal Gate MOSFET in CMOS Technology" PhD thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2009.
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  7. Liou, J., Cerdeira, A., Estrada, M., Yue, Y., Ortiz-Conde, A., and García, F. 2002. "A review of recent mosfet threshold voltage extraction methods". Microelectronics Reliability. 42, 583-596.
  8. White, M., Sharma, U., and Booth, R. 1989. "Static and Dynamic Transconductance of MOSFET's". IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 36 (5).
  9. Colinge, J. 1985. "Transconductance of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOSFET's". IEEE Electron Device Letters.

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