Renewable energy is an alternative to reduce the impacts from fossil fuel use. The control of atmospheric emissions is relevant in fragile ecosystems as the Galapagos Islands. At present almost all the electricity consumed in Galapagos is generated in power facilities equipped with internal combustion engines. This type of power facilities results in significant emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), pollutants for which it has been established an annual average concentration of 30 μg m3 to protect sensible vegetation and ecosystems. In late July 2014, on the Campus of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Galapagos (USFQ Galapagos), a solar panels system began to operate. The preliminary assessment for the first four months of production indicates an average performance of 12.7%. In one year this system avoids the emission of 11063 kg of CO2 and 298 kg of NOx, representing a 10.4% overall reduction of atmospheric emissions. Galápagos requires an air pollutant emission inventory and air quality monitoring, as basic tools for air quality management and control. This information will be useful to simulate the behavior of pollutants and understand the link between emissions, dispersion and the effects of air pollutants in the Galapagos Islands.
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