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Vol. 4 No. 2 (2012)

Effects of temperature, culture media and growth regulators on germination of zygotic peach embryos (Prunus pérsica) var. Diamante

September 29, 2015


In this research, the effects of temperature, culture media and growth regulators on mature peach embryos (var. Diamante) were evaluated. Temperature had a significant influence on germination, as embryos cultured at 4°C for 40 days and then moved to a temperature of 18°C had a germination rate of 84%, compared to embryos cultured directly at 18°C, which had a germination rate of 50%. Regarding the culture media, the highest germination rate was achieved using MS media with half the concentration of salts. Despite not having significant differences when adding growth regulators in the culture media, the addition of high concentrations of cytokinins (>1 mg/L) and low concentrations of auxins (0.5 mg/L) generated plants with a higher number of leaves. The best root development was obtained by the subculture of plants in MS media with 3mg/L of IBA for 16 days. The acclimatization of plants was successful, with a survival rate of 80% in plants that germinated from embryos cultured at 4°C for 40 days. This standardized protocol was also tested in the germination of var. Diamante x var. Florida peach hybrids, with a germination rate of 61%, proving to be a potentially efficient method for peach propagation in crop improvement programs.

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