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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2015)

Report of the 1st. Christmas Bird Count of Quito, Ecuador

January 22, 2016


The 1st Christmas Bird Count of Quito recorded 131 species of birds, of 34 families and 15 orders, reflecting that Quito has a largest species richness of birds that previously estimated. The most represented families were Thraupidae, Trochilidae, and Tyrannidae, and the most abundant species: Zenaida auriculata Eared Dove, Zonotrichia capensis Rufous-collared Sparrow, Turdus fuscater Great Thrush, Colibrí coruscans Sparkling Violet-ear, and Spatula discors Blue-winged Teal. Almost one-third of the species were recorded in periuban and rural zones with large natural vegetation cover, far from die urban centre; and over one-third of the species were rare, apparently having small populations. The routes at Pululahua, Pichincha volcano, the valley of Guayllabamba, between the Zoo of Quito and the new airport, and the Parque Arqueológico Rumipamba (incl. the Rumiloma ravine) had the largest species richness and die largest amount of unique species. Thirteen boreal migratory species of birds were recorded; including the rare Progne subis Purple Martin and the first individual of Lotus smithsonianus American Herring Gull for Ecuador. Twentyone taxa of birds observed at the count are almost endemic to the Andes of Ecuador. The Christmas Bird Count of Quito is a citizen science activity that can generate long-term information on the diversity and population evology of the birds, allowing the development of conservation estrategies for the birds and wildlife of Quito.

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