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Vol. 5 No. 1 (2013)

Determining the hydrodispersive parameters of a aquifer slope by tracer tests

September 29, 2015


During last years the global awareness about human-health and environment risks, caused by aquifers pollution, has grown. In this context, remediation actions on contaminated groundwater has acquired large importance from both scientific and engineering viewpoint whose main aim is the restoration of health-safety values of contaminants in groundwater for human beings. Before to start any remediation action, it is essential to characterize as accurate as possible of the porous medium properties, from both the hydrodispersive and hydrodynamic point of view. Often in situ aquifers characterization requires high economic and human costs and therefore laboratory tests and modelling are usually employed for a first level of characterization. The major aim of this work is to present the results of the main hydrodispersive parameters of a phreatic aquifer artificially reproduced by a laboratory prototype in order to characterize the mass transport within the considered system. Dispersion coefficient and longitudinal dispersivity presented are obtained as a result of a series of tracer tests carried out on the model which allow to complete the hydrodynamic characterization of the reproduced aquifer.

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