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Vol. 2 No. 3 (2010): Número especial por el Año Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica

New species of Andean Toad gender Osornophryne (Amphibia: Bufonidae) from northern Ecuador, with remarks on the diversity of gender in Colombia

July 15, 2015


We describe a new species of Andean toad, Osornophryne angel sp. nov., based on specimens collected at Páramo del Angel, province of Carchi, Republic of Ecuador. This new species is a medium-sized toad diagnosed from other species of Osornophryne by having granular skin with glandular ridges and tubercles and by the presence of a projected papilla or a proboscis at the tip of the snout. Osornophryne angel sp. nov. exhibits strong sexual dimorphism, females are larger and have a projected papilla instead of the male"™s extended proboscis at the tip of the snout. Considerations on the sexual dimorphism are important to evaluate intra and inter-specific variation in Osornophryne, and lack of its understanding has resulted in identification errors. We revised the taxonomic status of some Colombian populations recently reported in the literature, and found that specimens reported as O. bufoniformis in fact correspond to four different species, including a putatively undescribed species. Colombian specimens reported as O. antisana and O. guacamayo correspond to apparently undescribe taxa, thus the records of both species for Colombia are invalid.

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