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Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024)

The Rematriacion of native corn (Zea mays L.) for the Kamëntsá-biyá Indigenous people, in the department of Putumayo, Colombia

June 30, 2024


The most important challenges that humanity faces today are biodiversity loss and erosion of  germplasm  resources,  both  highly  enhanced  by  climate  change,  climate  variability,  and  anthropogenic  causes.  These  phenomena  were  identified  in  local  production  seed  systems  (SLS)  and  local  agricultural  communities  such  as  the  native  indigenous  people  Kamëntsá-biyá  in  Putumayo,  Colombia,  particularly  in  corn.  The  intercultural  dialogue  allowed  AGROSAVIA  to  reach  different  agricultural  communities  and  develop  strategies  to strengthen SLS and improve food security and food sovereignty locally. To mitigate the loss of corn landraces, AGROSAVIA prepared a strategy called Seed Rematriation, a strategy developed jointly with the Kamëntsá-biyá community. To the Kamëntsá-biyá people, the strengthening of their agricultural system (called jajañ) begins with rescuing corn landraces that were lost. Human factors or climate variability are the most common causes of this disappearance.  Seed  Rematriation  reinforces  the  agricultural,  cultural,  and  food  bases  of  local  communities.  To  rescue  corn  seed,  we  use  accessions  stored  in  the  Colombian  Germplasm  Banks  for  Food  and  Agriculture  (BGAA).  We  identified  and  increased  ten  corn accessions collected in the Putumayo and stored more than three decades ago. We agreed with the Kamëntsá-biyá people to return this seed to their community. The seed increase  was  done  at  the  AGROSAVIA  research  center  La  Selva  (Rionegro,  Antioquia).  La  Selva has optimal agroclimatic conditions to increase corn seed from the Putumayo area. Seed  increase  was  done  using  a  plot  under  controlled  pollination  per  accession,  where  we  finally  obtained  quality  seeds  of  each  accession.  Simultaneously,  we  strengthened  the  Kamëntsá-biyá  Seed  Guardian  Network  so  that  they  could  increase,  produce,  and  store  corn  seeds  using  their  cultural  practices.  Rematriation  implies  the  conscious  and  respectful return of landraces or native seeds to their communities, with the recognition of their intrinsic value and the preservation of cultural practices associated with their seeds. Rematriation  is  based  on  respect  and  cultural  understanding  and  prioritizes  community participation  during  the  strengthening  of  their  agricultural  production  systems  through  interculturality.  Finally,  seed  rematriation  contributes  to  food  security,  food  sovereignty,  and food identity. It facilitates the conservation and rescue of agrobiodiversity using both in situ and ex situ strategies. Here, we describe the rematriation principles and depict their actions  to  articulate  rescue,  conservation,  restoration,  and  increase  processes  carried  out jointly between Kamëntsá-biyá and AGROSAVIA with the BGAA. Thus, we enrich the delivery of seed to communities and strengthen the capacities of the SLS.

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