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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2010)

Ecuadorian primates, studies and perspectives

July 2, 2015


There are 20 primate species in Ecuador, 17 species live in the forests east of the Andes and 4 in the west. Despite the ecological importance of this group, we know very little about the distribution and population status of the species. Most of the primatological studies have been carried out in two protected areas in the Amazon, the Cuyabeno Reserve and the Yasuní National Park. There are even less studies of primates west of the Andes. In general, the studies have focused only on some primate communities and populations and although they have provided important information for the conservation of this Order, our knowledge is still incomplete. The pygmy marmoset Callithrixpygmaea is likely to be the primate species of which we have more information about its population status in Ecuador. From 1996 to date we have carried out ecological and behavioral research including period­ical censuses in gallery forests in 9 Amazonian localities. We have found evidence that the degree of human impact has an inverse relationship with the ecological density of the marmosets. To increase our knowledge and to promote the conservation of Ecuadorian primates we need to develop new studies and to continue with the on-going ones. A network of primatologist could facilitate information exchange and the development of compatible and comparable methods. We also need to promote local participation in research to assure the continuity of the studies and to support the education and environmental awareness of the people who share the forests with non-human primates.

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