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Vol. 6 No. 2 (2014)

Vocalizations of the mice <em>Reithrodontomys soderstromi</em> and <em>Thomasomys paramorum</em> (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in the province of Carchi, Ecuador

September 30, 2015


We report descriptive information on the vocalizations of two species of rodents, analyzing and describing their spectral and temporal variability. Reithrodontomys soderstromi emits a nearly constant sounding whistle with a mean dominant frequency of 10.16 ± 0.20 kHz. The vocalizations of Thomasomys paramorum resemble clicks with frequency modulations with a mean dominant frequency of 1.74 ± 0.10 kHz and generates a harmonic whose mean frequency is 3.64 ± 0.24 kHz.

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