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Vol. 6 No. 1 (2014)

Terrestrial frogs in southern Andean ecosystems of Ecuador I: Two new species of <em>Pristimantis</em> (Anura: Craugastoridae) of the eastern versant

September 29, 2015


We describe two new species of Pristimantis from the cloud forest and paramo highlands protected by the Reserva Municipal Tinajillas-Gualaceño, province of Morona-Santiago, southeast versant of the Andes of Ecuador. The first species inhabits cloud forests at 2250 m and its diagnosed by the presence of spatulated digital discs and dark brown coloration (males with orange groin). The second species inhabits paramo highlands at 3200 m and exhibits a distinctive inguinal coloration with black marks on yellow background, a subconical tubercle on the snout and tympanum present.

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