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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012)

Puncture test as an additional qualifying index of control on pineapple, mango and cassava.

August 12, 2015


Mango and pineapple fruits together with cassava roots were subjected to different post-harvesting processing in order to increase their shelf life. Mechanically driven instrument (Lloyd machine), hand operated penetrometer and sensory analyses were used to study the changes produced on the three samples along the storage, establishing correlations with qualifying indexes. Results of firmness of mango fruits obtained by using a Lloyd have a poor correlation with °Brix and a good one with hand operated penetrometer (r2 = 0.97). No correlation was found between puncture results of firmness obtained by a Lloyd machine with either the internal colour or firmness of sensory analyses of mango. Instrumental measurements could be used as an additional tool to control maturity for mango fruits. No correlation was found between firmness obtained by a Lloyd machine, with quality parameters or maturity indexes obtained by sensory evaluation of pineapple. A good correlation was found between firmness and fibrosity determined by sensory evaluation with firmness determined by a Lloyd machine for different cassava genotypes (r2 = 0.9). No correlation was found between the firmness obtained by a Lloyd and firmness determined by sensory analyses when one cassava genotype was used. No correlation was found between a hand operated penetrometer and a Lloyd on pineapple and cassava.

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