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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015)

Effect of drying time and different beef muscles cuts on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of dried meat (Jerky)

November 24, 2015


Meat products have a broad market in Ecuador; however, jerky (dry meat) is rarely known and there are no products preserved using osmotic dehydration (OD). OD improves organoleptic characteristics of meat, thus it allows to use less economically valued meat cuts. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of drying time on three beef cuts, regarding the physicochemical characteristics (Moisture Content, Moisture: Protein Relation, MPR, and Water Activity Aa) and sensory characteristics in the elaboration of jerky that was previously dehydrated by OD, employing a 60° Brix hypertonic solution.

OD procedure was considered to be finished when a moisture content of 55g/100g of product was achieved for all treatments. During the air drying stage, a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial arrangement 32 was used (Time: 4h, 5h, and 6h and muscle cut: Infraspinatus, Rectusfemoris, Pectoralisprofundus) at constant temperature (68.5°C). Five hours drying time treatments (T2, T5 and T8) presented better results for all three muscles types on physicochemical characterization and were evaluated by 65 consumer panelists through a preference test, in which no significant difference among treatments was observed. Pectoralis profundus is considered to have lesser market value compared to the other two muscles, hence its use for this type of products is highly recommended.

viewed = 3271 times


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