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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012)

Storm-Source-Locating Algorithm Based on the Dispersive Nature of Ocean Swells

August 12, 2015


The dispersion relationship of ocean waves in deep water dictates that the wave velocity depends on frequency. Waves of smaller frequencies travel faster than waves of larger frequencies. Therefore, at any remote location, for a specific storm event, the wave frequency and the time of arrival are related in a linear fashion. In the present work, this property is exploited in order to derive information about the distance of the originating storms and also about the time in which those storms take place. For this analysis, wave spectral data from the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) are used. The output is verified against parameters from the meteorological model, namely atmospheric surface pressure and wind velocity. The results show that the algorithm provides space and time information in consistency with the meteorological data.

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