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Vol. 2 No. 3 (2010): Número especial por el Año Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica

New glass frogs distribution data (Amphibia: Centrolenidae) in eastern Ecuador, with comments on the diversity in the region

July 15, 2015


We present new information on the latitudinal and altitudinal distribution of five species of recently-described or poorly-known glassfrogs from eastern Ecuador. We include novel data on its body size and natural history. Information on the diversity and biogeography of the centrolenid frogs of Eastern Ecuador is discussed, finding them associated with six vegetation formations distributed between the eastern Andean slopes and lowland Amazonia. We identify three important zones of diversity and endemism in Eastern Ecuador associated with the Napo, Pastaza, and Santiago river basins. The ecosystems of Low Montane and Foothill forests have the largest diversity and endemism of centrolenid frogs, however, 77% are threatened. It is vital to join effort to research and preserve this particular group of the Ecuadorian fauna.

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