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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2010)

A new infrastructure to develop autonomous agents in RoboCup

July 2, 2015


RoboCup is an international competition for autonomous robots intended to promote re­search and education in Artificial Intelligence. The competition contains several separate leagues, one of which is called Simulator League and deals with purely simulated players. A team of players for this league can be written in any programming language. Howe­ver, a major problem when constructing RoboCup players is to implement the basic fun­ctionality of each player, since there are several problems related to information retrieval, processing, and management, as well as the development of basic skills for the soccer pla­yers. Thus, this paper proposes a new infrastructure oriented to simplify the programming of RoboCup teams allowing us to concentrate on the job of controlling players without worrying about the low-level tasks previously mentioned. Besides describing the proposed infrastructure, this paper evaluates our Java implementation of the infrastructure using isolated players and complete RoboCup teams.

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