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Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023)

Discrete event problem solution in dynamic systems using Petri networks and HiPS software

March 31, 2023


In this work are exposed the solution steps of the cat and mouse problem published in the article from 1984, using Petri networks models and the Hiearchical Petri Net Simulator Software (HiPS). The objective is to show familiarity and the methodology of applying controllable language in discrete events using the previous tools, since the article was written almost 39 years ago without the advantages of information technologies where discrete events can be simulated. Besides showing the control schematics of Petri networks that allows the problem solution under fulfillment of certain conditions, the simulation software is used in advantage to get the model’s coverage and reachability table, an incidence matrix, the identification of out-of-conflict states and transitions to execute those states without restrictions. In symbolic terms, the behavior of the cat and the mouse can represent equipment, sensors, actuators, robots, machinery, or dynamic production systems. The results were optimal, and conclusions are discussed.

viewed = 191 times


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