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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2015)

Mathematical modeling of vapor liquid equilibrium for must of <em>Agave cocui</em>

January 22, 2016


One of the more interesting tools is currently available to analyze and predict the behavior of a system is the construction and subsequent simulation of a mathematical model. The cocuy, is an alcoholic beverage produced by hand from the distillation of fermented mash of Agave cocui. The aim of this study was the experimental model mathematically constant pressure of the concentrations obtained by chromatography Agave cocui musts representing vapor-liquid equilibrium in the distillation of said wort data. In the particular case of ELV must Agave cocui empirical, quantitative, stochastic and descriptive for adjusting the experimental data obtained mathematical models are used. The Centurion XV StatGraphics software was used to fit the data to the mathematical model and validated statistically. The mathematical models were fitted to the experimental data at constant pressure ELV describing and/or predicting the behavior of the components analyzed, serving as basis for the determination of the compositions of the ELV, which is important to model and simulate the process artisanal distillation of musts Agave cocui allowing contribute to improving the quality of alcoholic beverage obtained.

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