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Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022)

Analysis of the maize production in Spain

October 14, 2021


This study aims to summarize the current situation of maize production in Spain in relation to the world situation. At present, the two main constraints to increasing the area cultivated with maize and increasing its yield in Spain are the availability of water and economic profitability. For this reason, this work summarizes the progress achieved to date, but also the potential improvements that could improve their economic performance without increasing (or even decreasing) their environmental impact. These techniques require inevitably an improvement of the use efficiency of the agronomic inputs (fertilizers, diesel, pesticides"¦), as well as, the improvement of water use. Therefore, farmers who wish to continue growing maize in Spain, in addition to being able to improve their yields and reduce their environmental impact, must, above all, improve their production margins.

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