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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021)

Simulation of wildfire spread using firebreaks in Ilaló Volcano, Quito-Ecuador

June 1, 2021


Wildfires provoke costly material losses for the inhabitants of affected zones and unsafety to people. In this project the simulation of fire spread of a wildfire that occurred on 14 September 2015 at Ilaló Volcano-La Toglla Sector, Quito-Ecuador was proposed, using QGIS and FARSITE computer programs, in addition of studying alternative solutions to contain the spread of fire. By using topographical and meteorological information, a simulation was set up in FARSITE, which included the spread of fire and its impact which translated into several hectares of nature burned and the production of combustion gases. The results of the FARSITE study were validated with the official information regarding the amount of pollutants expelled into the atmosphere. Finally, the developed methods of suppression showed a reduction of the affected area and the tons of pollutants expelled into the environment, compared to the actual conditions in Ilaló Volcano corresponding to the studied fire event. This tool can lead the efforts of firebreak design and reforestation in eroded zones, such as Ilaló.

viewed = 707 times


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