We analyzed the interactions between nectarivores birds and paramo plants at Cajas National Park, Azuay, Ecuador, using citizen science information from the eBird platform. Our analysis was based on clues extracted from photographs and videos available on this platform. A total of 24 interactions were identified between eight nectarivores birds and 14 plant genera. At the network level, we calculated connectance (C), and at the species level, we calculated degree (D), or the number of interactions of each species. We used the platform R to visualize the interactions network and calculate each index. We found that the endemic hummingbird Violet-throated Metaltail, Metallura baroni, and Blue-mantled Thornbill, Chalcostigma stanleyi, as well as genus Gynoxys, showed the majority of interactions, suggesting their importance for the ecosystems of Cajas National Park.
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