Portal with bibliographic information and full texts of academic journals and other publications published by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
  • ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías

    Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías is a multidisciplinary open-access scientific journal. It publishes peer-reviewed original contributions in various fields of formal sciences (mathematics, computer science), physical sciences (physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology), life sciences (molecular biology, evolution, botany, zoology, biotechnology, paleontology), environmental sciences (climatology, meteorology), applied sciences and engineering, as well as multidisciplinary contributions at the interface of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

    ISSNe: 2528-7788

    ISSN: 1390-5384 

    Editorial: USFQ PRESS

  • Iuris Dictio

    Iuris Dictio is a peer-review journal focused on Law Studies. Its goal is to disseminate original, recent studies with the purpose of contributing to and discussing the complex juridical phenomenon. 

    ISSN (printed version): 1390-6402 ISSN (electronic version): 2528-7834
    Permanent Link:http://iurisdictio.usfq.edu.ec
    Indexed in: MIAR, ERIHPLUS, LATINDEX, MLA, CZ3, LATINREV, BASE, DOAJ, REDIB, Latinoamericana, LATAM, Google Scholar, OAJI

  • post(s)

    post(s) is an annual publication of the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. It reflects on discussions and debates that take place within and between the communicational and artistic fields, both locally and regionally and internationally.

    The thematic interests of post(s) are developed between the members of the Editorial Committee and guest editors, which are invited to collaborate with the publication. Each edition emphasizes on professional, artistic and academic praxis -creation is an agglutinating axis of this publication. post(s) publishes academic research texts, and also experimental and performative forms of writing and knowledge production.

  • USFQ Law Review

    USFQ Law Review is a legal, academic and indexed journal, with a double-blind peer review proccess, authorial opening and biannual publication since 2021 with the issue number of this volume published in May, and the second in October 2021.

    The Journal was born in 2012 as a student initiative. Since then, it is the first legal periodical publication in Ecuador  that is fully developed, managed and edited by students of the Law Faculty of Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador.

    Its objective is to provide a space for national and international experts in various areas of Law, such as students, professionals and academics, to publish legal research papers in which different perspectives and critical opinions on legal issues of current relevance. In addition, it seeks to be a source of research for its content of high academic level and to raise the quality of legal discussion in Ecuador and throughout the region, responding to the needs of the legal community, both nationally and internationally.

    Abbreviation: USFQ L. Rev.
    1390-8014  |  ISSN: 2631-2573
    Keywords: Jurisprudence; law; rights; legal theory
    Permalink: https://revistas.usfq.edu.ec/index.php/lawreview
    Indexed in: Latindex (Catalogue 2.0); Latindex (Directory); ISSN Portal; Crossref; ROAD; DOAJ; MIAR; REBID; Sherpa Romeo; Aura-AmeliCA; CORE; Internet Archive; I2OR; SIS; Google Scholar;
    Associated to: Latinoamericana; RELAREDI; LatinREV; Declaration of Mexico (Open Access); DORA
    Content Access: OJS Repository; USFQ Library; LEXIS; Academia.edu; SSRN; Mendeley;
    DOI: 10.18272/lr.v6i1

  • El Outsider

    El Outsider is an annual, free, and open access journal of Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) dedicated to publishing papers on the analysis of critical issues in International Relations and Political Science. The journal follows a double-blind peer review editorial process and is indexed and published under an open access license. The journal is compiled, edited, and reviewed by students of International Relations and Political Science with the help of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities (COCISOH) of the USFQ.

    Journal URL: https://eloutsider.com/

    Access to contents: Archivos OJS, Biblioteca LHL

    ISSN (online): 1390-8901

    Indexed in: LEXIS, Archive, ROAD, Crossref, Dialnet

  • Ánima

    Ánima is a student monographic series by the Department of Liberal Arts and the Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (COCISOH) of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ. It is an open access publication that uses the peer-review arbitration system, and the double-blind review methodology. Its objective is to provide a space for students to publish their research and reflections, either in English or Spanish, in the areas of Philosophy, Literature and Art History.

    ISSN: 2953-6340

  • USFQ Economic Review

    The USFQ Economic Review publishes outstanding undergraduate research in economics and related disciplines.  This open-access, peer-reviewed, and electronic journal is led by student editors, with faculty oversight from the USFQ School of Economics.  Issues are published continuously in English and Spanish by the USFQ PRESS. 

    The goals of this journal are to provide a platform through which undergraduate students who conduct novel research in economics-related areas may publish their work, and to encourage serious, quality research early in students’ academic careers by allowing them to experience the peer-review process.  Manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process by USFQ Economic Review Scientific Committee and Editorial Board.  The journal is distributed freely in a digital format.

  • #PerDebate

    PerDebate is a periodical, annual publication of the journalism career of the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts (COCOA) of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ). It is published in Spanish and English, a journal of scientific interest, which aims to serve for the analysis and reflection of issues related to contemporary communication, with special emphasis on journalism.

    It will publish articles in which scientific and academic rigor is observed and which conform to the subject matter and rules of publication.

    Research, projects, experiences, in short, all the stories that are sought from journalism have a space for discussion in this monographic series. PerDebate solicits and publishes articles on both empirical and theoretical research, as well as conceptual reflection on professional and creative practices, in all areas related to journalism. The topics range from media analysis, media products, technological innovations for information and data management, audience interaction in the digital age, new platforms and journalistic initiatives, among others.

  • Revista Ecuatoriana de Ornitología

    Revista Ecuatoriana de Ornitología is a publication of Red Aves Ecuador , with the support of Editorial USFQ Press of Universidad San Francisco de Quito. It is focused on publishing relevant and original information about the birds of Ecuador and the Neotropical region, including aspects of their natural history, ecology, distribution, conservation, systematics, etc. Our audience is the ornithological community interested in the birds of Ecuador and Neotropics, both scientists and bird-watchers alike.

    ISSN: 2697-3685

  • Archivos Académicos USFQ

    Archivos Académicos USFQ es una serie monográfica digital dedicada a la publicación de actas de reuniones académicas (congresos, foros, conferencias y otros eventos) en todas las áreas del conocimiento y quehacer humano, organizadas por la Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ. Es una serie monográfica de carácter multidisciplinario, con un proceso editorial con revisión por pares (peer reviewed) y publicada bajo una licencia de acceso abierto (open access).

    Archivos Académicos USFQ se publica de manera ocasional, de acuerdo al desarrollo de las reuniones académicas USFQ. Se publicará documentos en español e inglés en la modalidad de acceso libre, en línea (digital), con DOI y su respectivo código ISBN electrónico. 

  • Bitácora Académica

    Bitácora Académica USFQ is a diffusion organ of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito that reflects the reflective, critical, plural and free spirit of its academic community. The primary objective is to account for scientific, academic and humanistic work through updated revisions that are published electronically, all in order to bring knowledge closer to society as a whole. Articles in the USFQ Academic Journal refer to the "state of the art" of a specific subject. The publication of the articles fundamentally seeks to facilitate and promote the circulation of knowledge, the exchange of ideas, their discussion and subsequent commentary, showing itself as an essential tool to understand about a particular subject.

  • Polémika

    Polémika is an academic journal that aims to promote high-level original research in the areas of management, entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, economics, public policy, and related areas. Interdisciplinary papers are particularly welcome.

    Polémika is a peer-reviewed, open access, multidisciplinary monographic series published by the College of Administration and Economics (CADE) of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ. This publication is aimed at academics, businessmen and public officials, as well as students in areas related to business and economics. In this line, it promotes applied research, relevant to business and public policy decision making, and that serves to bridge the gap between academic analysis and business and public policy practice. This publication appears annually. It collects original works in Spanish or English by researchers from any institution and country. It is available for non-commercial use by anyone under a Creative Commons license.

  • OdontoInvestigación

    ODONTOINVESTIGACIÓN MAGAZINE is the official journal of the Escuela de Odontología at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, open to professionals, students, teachers, educational institutions, research and universities of the country and the world in the dentistry area.

    The OdontoInvestigación magazine aims to disseminate knowledge, academic and scientific research activities that are generated within the Escuela de Odontología at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and also from related universities nationally and internationally.

  • Esferas

    Esferas is a monographic series that brings together different essays and academic articles on community outreach projects carried out in Latin America. These texts serve to disseminate recent social projects and to understand the depth of the relationships established with the community, the work methodologies, and the approaches taken from different fields of knowledge.

    ISSN (print version): 2631-2468 / ISSN (digital version): 2697-3499

    Indexed / catalogued in: ROAD, Crossref, Dialnet, Google Scholar, Archive.org, Academia.edu.