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Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024)

Inversion of two flux and four flux radiative transfer models for determining scattering and absorption coefficients for polymer dispersed liquid crystals

November 28, 2023


Intrinsic and extrinsic scattering and absorption coefficients of eight non-absorbing light polymer dispersed liquid crystals samples, with two different sizes of the active area and with four different thicknesses of the internal active layer, at their translucent off and at their transparent on optical appearance states –without and with applied electrical voltage respectively– were successfully determined following the same procedure described in previous works with a suspended particle device −a light absorbing smart window sample− and with another commercial polymer dispersed liquid crystals smart window sample. This procedure, based on two-flux and four-flux radiative transfer models, considers the critical angle of total internal reflection for determining the internal diffuse interface reflectance, and uses the same previously proposed equation for average crossing parameter, based on diffuse and total intensities of forward and backward light beams, for solving the four-flux model in order to determine intrinsic coefficients. Simulated optical appearance resulted to be a milky white translucent off state and a colorless-transparent on state that becomes more transparent for polymer dispersed liquid crystals samples with thinner thicknesses, requiring higher applied voltage for the transparent on optical states of the thicker polymer dispersed liquid crystals samples characterized.

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