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Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024)

Evaluation of the Efficiency of Climate Finance through the REDD+ Mechanism in Ecuador

July 6, 2023


Climate change as a global problem requires an urgent global response. It does not respect borders and evidences social, economic, cultural and political problems, widening inequality gaps, conflicts and instability between countries. Climate finance is the cornerstone for the materialization of agreements, commitments and the fulfillment of climate goals. The research analyzes climate finance for REDD+ Ecuador under the UNFCCC, directed to PROAmazonia. To evaluate the impact of climate finance, a climate investment analysis was conducted to determine the effectiveness, efficiency and equity (3E+) of the activities carried out with these funds, through the variables: deforestation rate, stakeholders’ participation and land tenure. After the conclusion of PROAmazonia activities in the period 2017-2023, the results show an increase in the rate of deforestation, which is considered one of the highest in Latin America, caused by extractive activities of oil, mining, timber, intensive agriculture, livestock. The participation of indigenous peoples and communities as the managers of forest conservation and protection has been underestimated. Land tenure security has been a slow process and is threatened y the expansion of the extractive industry. The research concludes that the outcome of the implementation of climate finance has not been successful.

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