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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021)

Technical and economic pre-feasibility study of the implementation of a biorefinery for the conversion of orange peel waste

May 13, 2021


Orange peel is an abundant organic waste in Ecuador that can be used and transformed into products of high added value. Therefore, this work analyzes the technical-economic pre-feasibility of a biorefinery from orange peel to obtain essential oil, pectin and / or bioethanol. First, several scenarios were compared around the combination of products to be obtained, and it was established that the most convenient one would be obtaining essential oil and pectin, with an annual production of 8.7 and 44.4 tons, respectively. Next, a process was designed for this biorefinery that consists of 3 sections: the pretreatment of raw material, extraction of the oil, and the extraction of pectin. Material and energy balances of the process were carried out, and later, the equipment was selected and sized according to specific methodologies. The process considered the recovery and recirculation of ethanol used in the pectin extraction section to reduce production costs. Finally, an economic analysis was carried out based on the theoretical cost estimates and a catalog cost analysis. It was found that the project is profitable, and that the payback time for the investment would be between 5 and 6 years. Therefore, the implementation of the biorefinery would generate a positive economic, environmental and social impact in the country.

viewed = 1519 times


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