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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015)

The Graviton-Electron Vertex and The f<sup>0</sup> Meson Decay Width

November 24, 2015


It takes three form factors to describe the graviton-electron interaction. In the limit of zero momentum transfer these form factors essentially reduce to the mass of the electron. In this article we show that under certain conditions the form factors of the graviton-electron vertex function vanish at high energies. We first develop the exact massless spin-2+ propagators in terms of two spectral functions. Working in a covariant gauge, which requires the use of an indefinite metric, we show that the spectral functions are positive definite. We then extend a theorem of Lehmann, Symansik, and Zimmermann, namely the vanishing of the n-N vertex function at high energies, to the graviton-electron interaction.

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