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Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020)

Catalogue of fungi (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) of the Mycological Collection of the National Herbarium of Ecuador (QCNE) of the National Institute of Biodiversity (INABIO)

March 12, 2020


The National Herbarium of Ecuador (QCNE) of the National Institute of Biodiversity preserves the first mycological collection of the public sector and the most representative of the country with 6200 specimens between fungi and lichenized fungi, with fungi (4400) being the focus of this work. The mycological collection is part of the QCNE Herbarium born in 1999, this research is based on the vouchers of the samples and the records entered in the Excel file from 2013 of the mycological collection (fungi), the objective of this work is to disseminate To the scientific community the content and characteristics of the specimen collection and report the list of species from the mycological collection of the QCNE. The repository is organized according to the most recent specialized literature criteria, data corresponding to samples of the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota divisions are reported, within Ascomycota there are 12 orders, 30 families, 72 genera, 119 species, the family with The highest representation was Xylariaceae 45%, and the genus with the most Xylaria specimens (Xylariaceae) with 31%. Basidiomycota with 12 orders, 53 families, 168 genera, 199 species being the Polyporaceae family with 24% is better represented, the Polyporus genus (Polyporaceae) with 14% has a large number of specimens. As a contribution of the research, the list of 318 species of which 119 are from the Ascomycota group and 199 Basidiomycota, presented in the mycological collection of the INABIO QCNE herbarium is presented.

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