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ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías

About the Journal



ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías is a multidisciplinary open-access scientific journal. It publishes peer-reviewed original contributions in various fields of formal sciences (mathematics, computer science), physical sciences (physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology), life sciences (molecular biology, evolution, botany, zoology, biotechnology, paleontology), environmental sciences (climatology, meteorology), applied sciences and engineering, as well as multidisciplinary contributions at the interface of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

 ISSN (electronic): 2528-7788 | ISSN (print): 1390-5384  

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Focus and Scope

The scientific journal ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías is an open access publication that is published bianually. It publishes two issues that make up the respective volume of the publication year.  Its main objective, besides contributing to the advancement of open science, is to disseminate scientific knowledge through the publication of articles, reviews and communications. 

From 2021 onwards, the journal publishes several thematic dossiers that make up various collections of articles from different academic events and other collections based on specialized calls for papers on academic events.   

Frequency and Mode of Publication

The journal ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías  is published biannually. It publishes two issues per year. These issues make up the volume of the journal. Articles are published digitally as soon as their final galley is available and are added to the table of contents of the current issue. Articles can be submitted at any time. 

Sections of the Journal

The journal ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías  publishes articles, reviews, and communications in three different sections.

Section A – Exact sciences

  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Astronomy
  • Geology

Section B – Life sciences

  • Biology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Evolution
  • Botany
  • Ecology
  • Microbiology
  • Biotechnology
  • Peleontology
  • Zoology
  • Genetics
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Climatology
  • Meteorology

Section C – Engineering

  • Civil Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering

Multidisciplinary contributions from STEM may be assigned in different sections based on content.

Types of Contributions

The journal ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías accepts, evaluates, and publishes articles, reviews, and communications in Spanish and English.

Article: Manuscripts submitted as Articles should offer significant conclusions to address a problem, being thorough in analysis and conclusions, and including all relevant empirical data. For more information about the structure of an article, please refer to the "Submissions" section (see article template).

Reviews: A review article is an academic document that summarizes, analyzes, and critically evaluates previous research conducted on a specific topic. Unlike an original research article, a review article does not present new experimental data but synthesizes and contextualizes the information available in the scientific literature. These articles typically provide an overview of the current state of knowledge in a particular field, identifying trends, discrepancies, and areas of future research. For more information about the structure of a review, please refer to the "Submissions" section (see article template).

Communications: Communications are brief academic documents that present preliminary results or notable research findings in a concise and direct format, focusing on specific aspects or particular discoveries without delving into exhaustive details. They are ideal for sharing relevant information quickly and efficiently with the scientific community. For more information about the structure of a communication, please refer to the "Submissions" section (see communication template).

Editorial Processes

Preliminary Review Process

Every received article will undergo an initial evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure it meets the journal's standards, including scope, section, format, structure, and readability. Its originality will also be checked using the Turnitin tool to detect similarities with other existing works. If the manuscript format does not meet the established requirements, authors will be asked for changes. If the manuscript falls outside the journal's scope, it will be rejected.

The Editor-in-Chief assigns each article to a section editor based on the area of expertise and corresponding section. 

Peer Review Process

All articles must undergo blind peer review, involving evaluation by at least two reviewers who send their assessments and suggestions to the section editor via the journal's OJS platform.

The section editor is responsible for making decisions based on the reviewers' comments and suggestions. The editor's options are:

  • Accept submission
  • Accept submission with minor revisions
  • Request major revisions
  • Reject submission

Subsequently, the section editor communicates the decision to the authors along with the reviewers' comments. In cases of conflicting evaluations, additional revisions may be requested, and the final decision is based on all received evaluations. Articles are evaluated based on criteria such as novelty, appropriateness of references, technical content, quality of figures and tables, and writing quality.

For cases of "accept submission with minor revisions" and "request major revisions," articles will be sent back to authors for necessary editorial and technical corrections suggested by the reviewers.

If revisions are required, authors must detail the modifications in a response letter to the reviewers.

Editors reserve the right to reject articles at any stage of the process to ensure publication quality.

Publication process

Once accepted, articles undergo review for format, style, and language before moving to the design and layout phase for publication in the corresponding number and volume.

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