Senior Software architect with +15 years of experience, my strengths include a deep understanding of availability, performance, security and capacity planning. I also have a deep understanding of and experience working with Big Data environments using Data Sciences tools and techniques
I developed an active research role in High Performance computing for Weather Forecasting, Distributed Data Processing and Data Security. I have developed generations of high availability architectures based on open source software with JBoss, Glassfish and Apache Tomcat, tuned computing platforms to achieve high processing performance and implemented scientific programs using OpenMP, MPI, CUDA, OpenCL and OpenACC and other parallel frameworks and languages.
In addition to the above, I"™ve worked extensively with Linux administration and compiled processes using open source gcc, Intel ICC, Ifort , pgi and MPI with a focus on profiling applications.
The series Summer School HPC Colombia is an initiative to extend highperformance computing-related knowledge in Colombia, and more widely in Latin America, and integrate expertise and research from academia and industry in the same event. This year’s edition, which is the third in the series, was carried out entirely online due to the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic during the first half of the year 2020. In this paper, we summarise the aims, development, deployment, and results of the Summer School HPC Colombia 2020 event. It is an example of the potential that the use of virtual tools and environments has to grow education for HPC.
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