Plate-billed Mountain Toucan Andigena laminirostris (Ramphastidae) depredation on a Chironius snake (Colubridae)


  • William Andrés Arteaga-Chávez Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Dayana Pamela Togán-Murillo Universidad Central del Ecuador



Andigena laminirostris, Chironius, Colombia, depredación, dieta


Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan Andigena laminirostris isprimarily frugivorous, but complements its diet with invertebrates, small vertebrates, eggs and nestlings of other birds. In this note, we present the first record ofA. laminirostris preying upon a snake of the genus Chironius(Colubridae). This note presents behavioral data previously unknown for A. laminirostris.


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How to Cite

Arteaga-Chávez, W. A., & Togán-Murillo, D. P. (2020). Plate-billed Mountain Toucan Andigena laminirostris (Ramphastidae) depredation on a Chironius snake (Colubridae). Revista Ecuatoriana De Ornitología, (6), 62–66.



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