Vol. 2 (2021): Esferas
SDG 4 Quality Education

"Creative Physics," a space to share science

Silvana Guitarra
Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Quito, Ecuador

Published 2021-04-06



  • Science,
  • community outreach project,
  • science communication,
  • experiments,
  • education,
  • Physics,
  • open house,
  • Physics-Van
  • ...More

How to Cite

Guitarra, S. (2021). "Creative Physics," a space to share science. Esferas, 2(1), 226–237. https://doi.org/10.18272/esferas.v2i.1984


Creative Physics is a community outreach project proposed by the College of Sciences and Engineering, Department of Physics, of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito that involves two main activities: Physics Open House and Physics Van. This project aims to generate love and interest for science among students and the community by proposing spaces where the audience can interact with experiments that cover different physics branches. The preparation, development, and execution involve students and professors of this major, and the beneficiaries include a public that consists of a wide age range (4-60 years). The activities provide visitors with a space to be an active part of the learning process, thanks to direct interaction with the experiments and the exhibitors who, with appropriate language, transmit their knowledge and respond to any concerns raised. In these four years of execution, the activities have been carried out in various regions of the country and have received great enthusiasm from the participants.


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