
  • Patricio Mena Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad



Dispersion, incubation, nesting, reproduction, wetland, Gruiformes


For 10 months, I studied the breeding biology of Andean Coot Fulica ardesiaca in San Pablo lake, northern Ecuador. I conducted weekly observations to a nesting focal pair and sporadically to four other pairs from October 2017 to June 2018. Variables studied included: nest and egg characteristics, incubation period, breeding success, and plumage development of nestlings from hatching to dispersal. Breeding activity of the focal pair extended for 251 days from courtship and nest material transportationto dispersion. Nests were platforms of plant material built on the shallow lake edges.The nest of the focal pair contained six eggs, while other pairs had 3-6 eggs. Incubation period of the focal pair was 20 days, and the other pairs lasted 21.7 ± 1.5 days. Recently hatched nestlings were covered in black and white downy feathers and wings, throat, and nape had reddish/orange down. After 22 days, the first blood feathers appeared on the wings and changes began in some parts of the head, body, and tail, with variations of white, grey, and brown shades. At 144 days, feathers were dark brown with some feathers partially pigmented slate-black, and the frontal shield had acquired its distinctive colour.These results were consistent with observations of F. ardesiaca in Peru but differed in some aspects from other Fulica species.


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How to Cite

Mena, P. (2021). BIOLOGÍA REPRODUCTIVA Y AMENAZAS A LA FOCHA ANDINA Fulica ardesiaca (RALLIDAE) EN EL LAGO SAN PABLO (IMBABURA, ECUADOR). Revista Ecuatoriana De Ornitología, 7(1), 29–43.