Vol. 7 (2021): post(s)

I am a plant! Not a human being! I am a plant! Not a human being!

Ana Elizabeth González Mote
Ingrid Leyva Vázquez

Published 2021-12-13


  • Bodies,
  • Crossings,
  • Border,
  • Creative process,
  • Aliens,
  • migration
  • ...More

How to Cite

González Mote, A. E., & Leyva Vázquez, I. (2021). I am a plant! Not a human being! I am a plant! Not a human being!. Post(s), 7(1), 52–67. https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v7i7.2405


In this text we share the collaborative process and research in which our collective "Aliens Anyways" -formed by Ingrid Leyva and Ana Mote- explores the relationship between the bodies, borders and crossings from Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua in Mexico and El Paso, Texas in the United States. 

Our analysis is guided by the question: Why be a plant and not a human being? We divided the response into 4 sections. The first of the responses presents the way in which we integrate as a collective and the foundation that we have in common to present the question; the second presents a historical context describing how border crossings have been shaped through institutions in order to describe a contemporary landscape; the third part includes NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) into the discussion between the crossings of human and non-human bodies; the fourth part is directed to the analysis of the avocado as a non-human body that allows us to show the absurdity of anti-immigrant policies. Finally, we conclude with a reflection of the collaborative and interdisciplinary process and of the aesthetic principles that support the bases of our proposal.


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