Vol. 5 (2019): post(s) 5

Heterogenous scenarios and Expanded Practices

Gabriela Ponce
Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Published 2019-12-05


  • scenario,
  • expanded practices,
  • teather,
  • dance,
  • pegagogies,
  • experimentation
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ponce, G. (2019). Heterogenous scenarios and Expanded Practices. Post(s), 5(1). https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v5i1.1590


Reflecting on the performing arts today implies thinking about a broad set of practices whose heterogeneity extends to the modes of creation, reception, training and all the gear that makes up the stage event. Hence, the challenge of considering a publication that reflects this complexity necessarily involves reviewing the dislocations and displacements that have occurred in the modes of representation. The genesis of this publication, to which we would like to refer briefly, places this dislocation at the center of your concern: our first motivation, within the Performing Arts area of "‹"‹the COCOA College of Communication and Contemporary Arts, was to enable a space for reflection for the most current Ecuadorian scenic practice, taking into account that there are few publications that exist to analyze it in the context of contemporary debate. Immediately afterwards, we realized that the diversity of these new practices went beyond those geographic and disciplinary territories that, in the first instance, we mapped out. Far from being limited to a specifically dance or theatrical performance, today the scenic is acting on a horizon of dissemination crossed by the performative, disciplinary contamination, the practices of the real, the modes of expanded research; On the other hand, we also feel that these displacements are necessarily framed within a broad network of thought and action that is in dialogue with regional and global processes. Then, our project was expanded with the desire to trace that complexity that materializes in this edition of post (s), through a plurality of voices and modes of writing, contexts and places of enunciation.


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  1. Agamben, G.(2014). La desnudez. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo Editora.
  2. Rancière, J.(2012). El malestar de la estética. Madrid: Clave intelectual.
  3. Rykner, A.(2015). El dispositivo. En E. Garnier y F. Grandes (eds.), Antología de teorías teatrales. Bilbao: Artezblai Editorial.