Vol. 4 (2018): post(s) 4

Post-Latin Sound: Musical Production and Identities in Transformation in the Post-digital era in Ecuador

Miguel Loor
Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ

Published 2018-12-21


  • post-digital music,
  • music,
  • identity,
  • podcasting,
  • postlatin

How to Cite

Loor, M. (2018). Post-Latin Sound: Musical Production and Identities in Transformation in the Post-digital era in Ecuador. Post(s), 4(1). https://doi.org/10.18272/posts.v4i1.1315


In the last five years, local musicians and producers have turned their gaze towards Ecuadorian and regional traditional sounds. This article explores the cultural tensions of contemporary music production in this country, and the post-digital aesthetics. At the same time, it discusses the dialogue in music production between the traditional and contemporary sounds, the global and local flows, and the analogue and digital technologies. In addition, this study aims to deconstruct production and composition processes of various songs, as well as the discursive construction of this music. In this context, the podcast "Postlatino" becomes an important element in the research process.


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