Vol. 3 (2017): post(s) 3

Improvisation and interaction in scenic time. Considerations on the methodology of Talvez Danza Contemporánea

Marcela Correa
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Gabriela Piñeiros
Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Published 2017-11-01


  • Dance,
  • spectator,
  • actor,
  • participation

How to Cite

Correa, M., & Piñeiros, G. (2017). Improvisation and interaction in scenic time. Considerations on the methodology of Talvez Danza Contemporánea. Post(s), 3(1). https://doi.org/10.18272/posts.v3i1.999


This essay seeks to contextualize the work of the dance company Talvez Danza Contemporánea, founded in the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts of the University San Francisco de Quito in 2008. The essay is divided into three parts; the first establishes a dialogue with thinkers of the contemporary such as Derrida and Baumann, to demonstrate the necessity of breaking static structures in the art in order to develop flexible, open and unstable proposals. The second traces a historical reference to the construction of classical theater, the way it divided the relation actor-viewer and the possibilities of connection and learning that can be created with the public when we provoke a rupture with the classical forms. Finally, the third entry analyses the method proposed by Talvez.


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