A fugitive attempt to approach/embroider the overflow/border
Published 2021-12-13
- epistemology,
- ontology,
- experience,
- bodies,
- educational research
How to Cite
Barone Zallocco, O., & Díaz , S. . (2021). A fugitive attempt to approach/embroider the overflow/border. Post(s), 7(1), 28–51. https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v7i7.2415
In the present work the ways of thinking and producing knowledge have been decomposed, all the experiences that converse when we define overflowing onto-epistemic positions are made visible. Through a mixed writing of concepts, theories, references, experiences, sensibilities, we inquire about the overflowing ways that bodies affect the multiple sensibilities of territories, extractivist and capitalist (con) texts, educational institutions and the consecrated academy. Multiple questions are proposed as an attempt to dehisce this writing and its becoming (perhaps) possible insurgent agencies.
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