Vol. 6 (2020): post(s) 6

Andean Density, the Khipunk Universe

José Luis Jácome Guerrero

Published 2020-11-06


  • tecnoxamanismo,
  • Andean alchemy,
  • quipus,
  • science fiction

How to Cite

Jácome Guerrero, J. L. (2020). Andean Density, the Khipunk Universe. Post(s), 6(1). https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v6i1.1895


The dense-Andean symbolic ritual enables a form of mediation between the divine, earthly, digital, analog worlds, conjugated and eliminated all at once. In the Andean density, the ritual is the usual and the noise refers directly to the day to day, it breaks with the divine condition of the western ear and the subjectivity of the interpreter, rescuing the belonging of sono-symbolic experiences to daily life in a cloak of sound that extends from our bodies and its internal noise amplified to the environment.


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