Published 2019-12-05
- dance,
- creation,
- residence,
- scene,
- metodologies
How to Cite
Guayasamín, T. (2019). Permanent Artistic Residence. Post(s), 5(1).
Copyright (c) 2019 Tamia Guayasamín
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
I have deployed my research/creation around mestizo identity within the framework of artistic residences, in a sway between practice and theory. The encounter with the thought of Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui and the study of referential works created by choreographers in the region, marked the perspective of this search. This is the story of a path and its findings: new challenges and questions for creation.
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- Camacho Otero, F. (2014). La Malinche que todas somos - Plano General [video].
- Guerra, J. (2017). Arqueología de Tocto Ocllo y de la Pivihuarmi Cuxirimay Ocllo. [video].
- Mejía, S. (2014). Dossier - La Malinche que todas somos. Material no publicado.
- Rivera Cusicanqui, S. (2010). Ch"™ixinakax utxiwa: Una reflexión sobre prácticas y discursos descolonizadores. Buenos Aires: Tinta Limón.
- "”"”"”. (2015). Sociología de la imagen: ensayos. Miradas ch"™ixi desde la historia andina. Buenos Aires: Tinta Limón.
- Yánez Cossío, A. (2008). Memorias de la Pivihuarmi Cuxirimay Ocllo. Quito: Manthra.