Vol. 5 (2019): post(s) 5

The presence of the object in the emancipation of scenic relationships

Pamela Jijón
Universidad de las Américas, UDLA

Published 2019-12-05


  • performing arts,
  • everyday objects,
  • creative treatment,
  • presence,
  • relationships

How to Cite

Jijón, P. . (2019). The presence of the object in the emancipation of scenic relationships. Post(s), 5(1). https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v5i1.1534


Based on the case study of the play Esas asesinas asesinas, a free adaptation of the story by Roberto Bolaño, created by the Colectivo Mitómana performing arts in Quito in 2014, we wonder how, the objectual presences can become an axis of displacement in hierarchical relationships within the scene and with the public.

We will analyze the importance of the place as a condition of the objectual appearance, we will insist on the need to establish a creative treatment marked by the delicacy and the recognition of the mutual affectation between the subject-actor and the object; and we will end by showing that in the displacement of the everyday to the sinister we can open the material world towards multiple possibilities of existence and interpretation.


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