The Quantification of Moral Damages: The Correct Meaning of the Prudence that Article 2232 of the Equatorian Civil Code Commands


  • Leonardo Stalin Coronel Universidad San Francisco de Quito



Derecho de Daños, Daños extrapatrimoniales, daño moral, cuantificación, motivación


The author describes and analyzes the institutions related with non-pecuniary damages of the judgment of Trial No. 01803-2018-00396 of September 8, 2021, issued by the National Court of Justice. The work addresses the problem of the quantification of non-pecuniary damages under the criterion of prudence mandated by article 2232 of the Ecuadorian Civil Code. In the development, trends in the matter are exposed using jurisprudence and relevant doctrine to reach the conclusion that the Court's resolution was correct and would mark a milestone in the development of Tort Law. The work analyzes the different types of extra-pecuniary damages, the way to compensate and quantify them and the thesis that Ecuador has adopted.


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2022-11-01 — Updated on 2022-11-01


How to Cite

Coronel, Leonardo Stalin. “The Quantification of Moral Damages: The Correct Meaning of the Prudence That Article 2232 of the Equatorian Civil Code Commands”. USFQ Law Review, vol. 9, no. 2, Nov. 2022, doi:10.18272/ulr.v9i2.2742.




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