Vol. 5 (2024): Esferas
SDG 4 Quality Education

The use of puppets in the prevention of sexual violence against children

Ana Lucía Pacurucu
Universidad del Azuay
Catalina González-Cabrera
Carlos Loja Liivisaca

Published 2024-04-01


  • Puppets,
  • 911,
  • Sexual abuse

How to Cite

Pacurucu, A. L., González-Cabrera, C., & Loja Liivisaca, C. (2024). The use of puppets in the prevention of sexual violence against children. Esferas, 5. https://doi.org/10.18272/esferas.v5i.3115


The "puppets" project was born in May 2021 as part of a larger project "Narrations for a change", which includes stories and videos to promote the prevention of child abuse, given that this problem is very widespread in our country and that during the COVID 19 pandemic it increased showing the need to work directly with children, so they can ask for help as soon as they detect any dangerous situation, whether they come from other people known or not. This project is linked to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3. Health and well-being, 4. Quality education, 5. Gender equality, 11. sustainable cities and communities and 16. peace, justice and strong institutions. The puppet play was presented in different schools, to children of all ages, it shows how two children "Esthela and Fermin" confront their neighbor "Freddy" when they feel he wants to harm them and ask for help to the police, calling 911 which is the emergency number. The results of this project showed how education is a strong element for long term sustainable development, it was demonstrated that edutainment through the use of puppets increases the intention to ask for help in children, it was also found that the preventive message was acquired in children through the recognition of danger.


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