Vol. 5 (2024): Esferas
SDG Gender Equality

Use of social networks on San Cristobal Island – Galapagos during COVID-19 for the prevention of gender violence

Daniela León-Mina
Relaciones Internacionales Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Joyce Robalino
Relaciones Internacionales - Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Sofia Zaragocin
Co-Directora, Coordinadora Género y Territorio Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desigualdades (IEAD) Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Cristen Dávalos
Coordinadora Movilidad Humana Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desigualdades (IEAD) Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Published 2024-04-01


  • feminism,
  • colective action,
  • gender violence,
  • networking in social media

How to Cite

León-Mina, D., Robalino , J., Zaragocin, S., & Dávalos , C. . (2024). Use of social networks on San Cristobal Island – Galapagos during COVID-19 for the prevention of gender violence. Esferas, 5. https://doi.org/10.18272/esferas.v5i.3044


This article is a qualitative study on the feminist movement in San Cristóbal - Galapagos that, through the use of social networks, generated transformations in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis. This research is the result of the second phase of the study Island feminism meets feminist geopolitics: The spatial dynamics of gender-based violence in the Galapagos Islands. In this new installment, the main objective is to learn about the origin, changes, and strategies that women implemented during the confinement to create networks of support, education, justice, and awareness about gender-based violence. Self-convocation, self-organization, and the creation of safe spaces promoted different types of actions to prevent the death of one more woman within the archipelago; finding, in social networks a useful tool that enables the meeting, despite being in an environment of social and geographical distancing. Likewise, there will be a discussion on social movements and feminist collective action in the context of the pandemic.



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