Vol. 3 (2022): Esferas
SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being

Improvements in the Galapagos Health System: Telemedicine, research and medical assistance

Jaime Eduardo Ocampo Trujillo
Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Quito, Ecuador
María Emilia Menoscal
Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Quito, Ecuador

Published 2022-04-04



  • telemedicine,
  • Galapagos,
  • research,
  • training

How to Cite

Ocampo Trujillo, J. E., & Menoscal, M. E. (2022). Improvements in the Galapagos Health System: Telemedicine, research and medical assistance. Esferas, 3, 26–43. https://doi.org/10.18272/esferas.v3i1.2432


The state of the public health system in the Galapagos Islands has been a concern for Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ in recent years. This is because the islands"™ public health system urgently needs external support in order to meet the needs presented by the population. The population has found itself in need of having to travel to the mainland to receive medical assistance from medical specialists that are not found on the islands. Since its creation in 2016, this project has sought to improve and support the public health system for the Galapagos population and avoid their need of having to travel to the mainland to receive medical assistance. To achieve this objective, the project has been divided into three areas: research, medical assistance and continuing education. During these past years, several stakeholders, principally those involved in the Master of Public Health from the university, as well as other departments, have helped in multiple ways. Various international institutions have also been involved that have helped with the project"™s continuity. Thanks to several agreements the university has made with Oskar Jandl Hospital, USFQ has had a significant impact on the Galapagos public health system. Considering the nature of this project, it seeks to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #3: Health and Well-being.


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