Digital transformation in early childhood education institutions
Published 2021-04-06
- quality education,
- digital transformation,
- e-learning
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Education is one of the most powerful and proven engines to guarantee sustainable development. In this sense, the project "Digital transformation in early childhood education institutions" (TDEI) was created and implemented one year ago in the Children"™s Center of Fatima. The TDEI project has incorporated into its curriculum the teaching of the use of LMS platforms, repositories, material available on the web, and office automation programs.
Since the institution adopted the digital transformation, it has been able to maintain the classes of the 2020 period in a completely digital environment, benefiting the students, teachers, administrative staff and parents. Consequently, it has contributed to understanding how to use digital tools promoting discussion, debate,guided practice, and mastery of hybrid learning in children and teachers. This is shown in the results of qualitative research, through in-depth interviews as well as surveys that were applied at the end of each module. When tabulating the results, a 98% satisfaction was obtained, considering four key indicators: quality, application of what was learned, content of the curriculum, and usefulness of the material delivered. In this sense, the TDEI project has benefited 200 people directly and indirectly.
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