she/her Myth and the constructed image of women in Rosario Castellanos’ poetry


  • Viviana Paredes Guerra Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ



Rosario Castellanos, mythification, femineity and beauty, female poetry, female subversion, demystification


Myth, as an instrument of power over women, is one of the issues that Rosario Castellanos, Mexican feminist poet, explores in her poetic work called Poesía no eres tú. In her latest literary works (En la tierra de en medio, Otros poemas, and Viaje Redondo), which Castellanos recognizes as her more mature and complete works, she proposes the rejection of the mythologized image of women. In consequence, she recreates a new and own female identity defined as a truthful way of being. However, what are the literary myths constructed about women that have distanced them from their human condition? How to subvert the definitions of beauty and femaleness and allow them to build an authentic image? This paper analyzes Rosario Castellanos' views about the constitution of women's image as a myth, as well as her solution to this problem, through awareness and the destruction of society's models of beauty and femininity, so that women may construct their own demystified identity.


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How to Cite

Paredes Guerra, V. (2023). she/her Myth and the constructed image of women in Rosario Castellanos’ poetry. Ánima, 3, 55–67.


