Educating about the value of the mangrove and its shorebirds in the jambelí channel


  • Ely Cuenca Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Ana Ágreda
  • Danixa Del Pezo Fundación Ecuatoriana para la Investigación y Conservación de las Aves y sus Hábitats (Aves y Conservación)


aves migratorias, conservación, educación ambiental, sensibilización, servicios ecosistémicos, Ecuador


The Jambelí Channel, located in the Gulf of Guayaquil, was designated as a site of international importance by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) in 2021. The cantons of Balao and Naranjal, in the province of Guayas, are the areas with the greatest representation of this wetland. For this reason, we implemented the project "Environmental education and communication for the inhabitants and key stakeholders of the Jambelí Channel," aimed at raising awareness among high school seniors about the mangrove’s ecosystem services and the value of shorebirds. We developed educational resources that ensure validated scientific information, such as audiovisuals, infographics, and a guidebook on the mangrove’s ecosystem services and the conservation of migratory shorebirds, aimed at high school teachers. We worked hand in hand with the 09D12 District Unit of the Ministry of Education during 2022 and 2024. This project reached 11 schools and 2,152 young people, and we estimate an 87% content acceptance rate in the first phase and 91% in the second phase. Additionally, we trained 54 science teachers on the theoretical use of our educational resources and, practically, through field trips to the mangroves. Finally, a network of teachers was formed, which is now linked to Aves y Conservación. Teachers receive training and are assisted in interdisciplinary school projects. In this way, we have managed to improve knowledge about the Jambelí Channel and its migratory shorebirds.


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How to Cite

Cuenca , E., Ágreda, A., & Del Pezo, D. (2025). Educating about the value of the mangrove and its shorebirds in the jambelí channel. Revista Ecuatoriana De Ornitología, 80–81. Retrieved from