Vol. 10 (2024): Vol. 10 (2024): post(s) 10

` Pataphysical exchanges with Rubén Bonet: A visual essay

Published 2024-12-02


  • para-curatorship,
  • parodic entities,
  • collage,
  • exchanges,
  • `` Pataphysics

How to Cite

Bonet, R., & Andrade, X. (2024). ` Pataphysical exchanges with Rubén Bonet: A visual essay. Post(s), 10(1), 266–275. https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v10i1.3563


This exchange is a clear expression of the contemporary presence of `Pataphysics in the visual arts, literature and anthropology. Two parodic entities from Mexico and Spain, and Ecuador and Colombia —the Adopt a Writer Foundation and Full Dollar, respectively— show their fidelity to the irreverent spirit of the College of `Pataphysics (1948 of the vulgar era). This essay expresses, through a curatorial work of juxtaposed images and dialogues, the possibilities of the irrational. The academy and its soul carved in political correctness need to resume the critical impetus of parody and other displaced strategies, lest they end up digging their own grave.


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  1. Andrade, X. (2017). «Ethnography, ’Pataphysics, Copying». En Alternative Art and Anthropology: Global Encounters (pp. 189-208). Bloombsbury.
  2. Bonet, Rubén (2023). del inconveniente de tener cerebro. Editorial Moho.
  3. ———. (2012). La Patafísica es la Sustancia Misma de Este Mundo. https://revistareplicante.com/la-patafisica-es-la-sustancia-misma-de-este-mundo/
  4. Cippolini, Rafael (comp.). (2009). `Patafísica: Epítomes, Recetas, Instrumentos & Lecciones de Aparato. Caja Negra.
  5. Centre for the Aesthetic Revolution. (2004). «Localismos». http://centrefortheaestheticrevolution.blogspot.com/2004/06/localismos-organized-by-perros-negros.html
  6. Fundación Adopte a Un Escritor. http://fundacionadopteaunescritor.blogspot.com/
  7. Full Dollar. https://corporacionfulldollar.wordpress.com/
  8. Independent Curators International Curatorial Hub, 2013. https://curatorsintl.org/events/11442-full-dollar
  9. Sketch Gallery. http://sketchroom.co/descubriendo-cabo-bonet
  10. The Homeless Museum of Art (HOMU). http://www.homelessmuseum.org/