Vol. 9 (2023): post(s) 9

InvocationConversation with Laura Aguilar: draft for a ruminating method

Lucrecia Masson Córdoba
Investigadora Independiente
 InvocaciónConversación con Laura Aguilar: borrador para un método rumiante

Published 2023-12-15


  • creative research,
  • ruminating method,
  • Laura Aguilar,
  • InvocationConversation

How to Cite

Masson Córdoba, L. (2023). InvocationConversation with Laura Aguilar: draft for a ruminating method. Post(s), 9(1), 134–157. https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v9i1.3166


This article presents the journey to carry out a creative research exercise. It begins with the draft of a ruminating method, opening a sort of protocol for creative processes. Then, it delves into the work of the Chicano artist Laura Aguilar, and culminates in a conversation with her through a performative writing piece. Finally, it presents the process carried out in a pedagogical space, through the exercise InvocationConversation working with pieces by performance artists.



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